10 year anniversary in the midst of chaos

This was quite a hard blog to write. I was worried about appearing to be marketing my services and talking about careers and job searching when people are in lock down. Then as I was talking to some of my coaching clients and network contacts they felt it might be just the opposite. So I decided to post.

What should we be doing?

The most important thing I wanted to say is as much as you will hear me say get ready for change, take a course, get your CV ready, it is also OK to not do any of those things. It is also OK to be job searching in lock down. It is equally valid to rest, watch a musical (it can’t just be me?) and not to think about work.

What have I learnt?

I have learnt a lot in the last ten years and one of the most important is that nothing stays the same; we have to change and adapt. I left corporate life in 2010 to start a training and coaching business many people thought it was an unwise move. The world was not in a strong place. The impact of the 2008 crash lingered and redundancy levels were high.  Although throughout this period people found a job; found a job they were happier in or pursued their dream job. The job market is still moving; yes you need to be in good shape with your interview skills and CV but things are still happening.The same as the myth that no one is offered a job in December, they are and it is quite common!

I use  this quote on both websites and across my brands:

“Just when the caterpillar thought life was over, it became a butterfly”


What if I am facing redundancy?

I am sure if you are facing a job change or redundancy the above quote will resonate, things often seem worse before they get better.I hope that this is the case for anyone facing business or job uncertainty right now.  The job market has definite cycles, sometimes it’s company led and other times candidate led. Many of my European clients were struggling to attract talent and there were more positions that people. This may all change when this is over. The good news is that the pendulum will always swing back.

Top 3 things to consider about the job market

  1. Income replacement can be a good step- I champion people who need to keep earning that taking an income replacement position can be a great step. Yes! you need to focus on your career goal but it is totally understandable to earn whilst you do that. The most important thing is to not allow that role to become a habit. So many people stay in a role that they “fell in to ” for far too long. Many of the things that you are doing in your income replacement or volunteer role can add value to your CV.
  2. Flexible working is possible – when I train Diversity and Inclusion there is much discussion about inequality both in terms of gender or those with disabilities who are unable to find opportunities. The huge shift towards true flexible working could create opportunities for lots of candidates and recruiters. That has to be a positive thing. We might all be more patient of those working parents when we realise they have been working and schooling children simultaneously!
  3. You deserve the right job for you -whether you are still working or furloughed, how you were treated by your employer during the period will be a big trigger as to if you want to stay or go. Even if in the short term people may return to a role but plan to leave as soon as they find something else.

Are we always ready for change?

New team member

Yes things have changed in the last year. I have launched the online career coaching programme. I have switched to using Google hangouts and Zoom for coaching calls (some even pre-lock down!)and the most important is the new team member who joined on Thursday. Welcome Elsie! Elsie is supervising and appearing on Zoom calls already…even uninvited. Her starting work with us  in the start of something positive and this like every cycle shows us that this too will get better. Elsie is great for the mental health of the team and we think when we get to the new normal, bring your dog to work day is a keeper.

What can you do?

  1. Check out the free step on the online course to help you get clear on your career goals.
  2.  Book a zoom exploratory session if you want to talk about your career.
  3. Follow the facebook page to find out about upcoming webinars
  4. Buy The Seven Steps to Career Consciousness  (also available on Amazon)

The most important thing is to stay safe and keep those you love safe too. When all this is over we will but the biggest 10 year birthday cake and really celebrate! 

Speak soon
