Step One
Firstly let me say hello and let me welcome you to The Seven Steps to Career Consciousness programme. I am delighted that you have taken this step and therefore you are now closer to being in total control of your career. You will soon be ready to make the right choices for you. In addition you will develop a selection of tools to sell yourself to your new employer. Is it time that you realise that You deserve a job which makes you happy and now should be the time you realise that. For instance this course will help you if:
- You have been made redundant
- Feeling unclear about which job is the right one for you
- Know you need to make a career change
- Need confidence to return to work after a break
And any other career rut. You are in the right place and this programme is for you, you will be guided step by step through the programme so you have a career and a job search plan and you can love your job!
I’ll let you into a secret; very few people are truly career conscious. If you are on of those people who drift along or feel like you have been stuck in a rut, remember that change is possible. And your journey is about to start!
Good Luck on the journey
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