Bad weather and the job search

Yorkshire has been hit by a deluge of the white stuff bringing our major cities to a grinding halt and leaving people stranded. I noticed across the Social Media sites that many people were delighted that they could declare a snow day and work from home or not work at...

All I want for Christmas…….

The build up to the festive season has begun; the red cups are ensconced in Starbucks, the Co-co cola advert has hit our screens and the Christmas lights are close to brightening up the cold winter evenings.  The Christmas period is quite often a double edged sword...

Help I’ve been made redundnant

Redundancy can be deemed as one of the most stressful experiences you may face in you working life. It may come as a complete surprise or you may have had that sinking feeling for a while.  Quite often you have seen several rounds of redundancy hit the organisation...

Double Dip?

The news is continuing to warn us about the next wave of redundancies and the threat of a double dip recession, are we getting the true picture of the Yorkshire Job Market? Are things as bleak as the statistics show? In truth the statistics never provide a true...