Rating your job search activity

My clients often come to me as they have been job searching for weeks, if not months with no results. They may have spent time reading about what they should do, making alterations to their CV and chasing recruiters who never return calls, they get the same results...

Happy 2nd Birthday

Happy Birthday Gatewood Consulting!  Two years in and what a journey- really wanted to say a big Thank you to all of the clients who have made this possible. It’s been amazing to be part of the positive journey that people have made- seeing people realise their dreams...

Customer Service i’nt what it used to be

Having delivered customer service training last week I was delighted to hear, “We all wondered how you were going to make customer services interesting for a whole day, but all credit to you- you did!

New Year Job Searching

The turkey and mince pies have been eaten and it is back to reality after the extended Christmas period. The festivities and the cold snap certainly had most of Yorkshire hibernating in a bid to stay warm. This coupled with the VAT increase has made many feel bleak...

Bad weather and the job search

Yorkshire has been hit by a deluge of the white stuff bringing our major cities to a grinding halt and leaving people stranded. I noticed across the Social Media sites that many people were delighted that they could declare a snow day and work from home or not work at...

All I want for Christmas…….

The build up to the festive season has begun; the red cups are ensconced in Starbucks, the Co-co cola advert has hit our screens and the Christmas lights are close to brightening up the cold winter evenings.  The Christmas period is quite often a double edged sword...

Breaking out of the job search rut

The job market in Yorkshire was dealt another cruel blow when the spending review released by the coalition government last week could result in a further 3,000 job losses. Of the £150 million somewhere in the region of £50 million will be slashed in 2011. This means...

Help I’ve been made redundnant

Redundancy can be deemed as one of the most stressful experiences you may face in you working life. It may come as a complete surprise or you may have had that sinking feeling for a while.  Quite often you have seen several rounds of redundancy hit the organisation...

If you don’t like the rules, change the game

The long awaited September is finally here; the lull in the recruitment market should now be over and recruiters will be coming out of hibernation. The summer months are notoriously difficult for job seekers, not made any easier by the wash out August. Then as things...

Double Dip?

The news is continuing to warn us about the next wave of redundancies and the threat of a double dip recession, are we getting the true picture of the Yorkshire Job Market? Are things as bleak as the statistics show? In truth the statistics never provide a true...

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West Yorkshire
LS15 4LG

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