How do you overcome the interview nightmare

Nightmare or dream interview? Headingley has begun to see its annual surge of cars packed to the rafters with everything a student might need for the new term, as Leeds opens the doors once again to freshers and returning students. These students are perhaps amongst...

Steps to looking on the brightside….handling redundancy

Staying positive through the redundancy journey Redundancy has become a fact of Yorkshire life recently with many of us being touched either directly or indirectly. Many more are still living under the threat of redundancy or have already had their position put at...

A Bank Holiday of Excuses

Do you look for excuses not to job search or do they find you? The nights are lighter the weather is better and suddenly a number of executive job seekers have better things to do with their time other than implement an effective job search. The garden needs sorting,...

How interesting is your CV?

CVs are often subjective with opinion split on everything from length, content even font. One of the issues that reared its head recently is whether or not to include personal interests on the CV. Is anyone interested in what you do when you are not working? Does this...

Was Job Searching your New Years Resolution?

Was finding a new position one of your resolutions for 2012? January is certainly proving to be an early spring in terms of job seeking for many- this week is the busiest in terms of job search activity Despite the doom and gloom of the unemployment statistics 2011/12...

Is it time to come out of your Cocoon?

Are you stuck in a rut? Are you feeling like there is more to you than your current role? Do you have the burning desire to take control of your destiny and start your own business? Are you sick of the daily grind and long for more flexibility and freedom? A recent...

A positive spin on the job market- your questions and answers

Is the job market as bad as it seems? Redundancy has become a fact of Yorkshire life recently with many of us being touched either directly or indirectly. Many more are still living under the threat of redundancy or have already had their position put at risk. It can...

A bank holiday of excuses

Do you look for excuses not to job search or do they find you? The nights are lighter the weather is better and suddenly a number of executive job seekers have better things to do with their time other than implement an effective job search. The garden needs sorting,...

Is your CV interesting enough?

CVs are often subjective with opinion split on everything from length, content even font. One of the issues that reared its head recently is whether or not to include personal interests on the CV. Is anyone interested in what you do when you are not working? Does this...


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