big freezeHas your Career become a victim of the big freeze?

As we thought Spring had sprung, as signs of life were breaking through the ground we were plunged back into the deep freeze. As thoughts turn to a white Easter- has the big freeze set in on your job search?

Are you busy doing nothing?

The phenomenon of appearing busy has never been greater, social media bombards us with messages from our friends and colleagues about how great things are  Feeling like we are always doing something has never been so important, or made us feel so important. When did you last take the time to evaluate how productive your job search efforts were?

Breaking the busy cycle- get more from your job search

As always at this time of year Gatewood Consulting has an influx of career customers – January saw the recruiter promise of, more jobs, life in the job market, new budgets and the thaw of negativity. By mid February many of the job seekers have made no progress. One new client stated, “Up until now I have spent six or seven hours per day trawling the internet.