The Learning Game and the Importance of the Seven Steps to the Annual Self Appraisalimg_0042

As we get towards the end of 2016 it’s time for a self appraisal and setting your own objectives for 2017. It’s time for yourself appraisal? Any of my career coaching clients know that I recommend checking in every month to evaluate the impact they have made on their current organisation. What have they been working on? What have they learnt? What do they need to do next and can they quantify this? Why do I believe that the annual self appraisal is crucial and different to the one carried out by your employer?

  1. Owning up to being a grown-up If you don’t know what you want. To achieve then it is difficult to have those conversations with your employer. Even those of you who are self employed should check in and ensure that you are in control of where you are heading in terms of your career. What have you achieved that you are most proud of in the last 12 months? Remember that this may come from outside of the day job. You are in control of the journey and where that takes you. 


What was my owning up to being a grown up in 2016? I realised I hadn’t spent time learning anything to channel my creativity. There was also some bucket list items needed my attention! Back in January I booked a photography holiday to Austria – combining learning and a trip to Salzburg.


2. Location, vocation, frustration

I talk my clients through visualizing the organisation they want to work for – knowing what values they expect them to have, are they aligned. Are they better in large or small organisations and the list continues. Check and see if your current company matches your check list! Really understanding your own strengths and hot spots is crucial for every self appraisal. You can be 100% honest with yourself.

Austria provided the perfect scenery, stunning backdrops and even with my amateur photographer status it was difficult not to capture its beauty. Could I get into photography? It turned out that I was somewhat of a fair-weather photographer – unprepared to stand out in the sub zero temperatures for the perfect shot. I prefer the warmth of the indoors. Accepting the less than perfect is something I talk to many people about – sometimes less than perfect is good enough. Our inner battles for professional perfection make it difficult to manage or be managed.



3.Sell your Tell

How you tell your story and communicate with those around you is crucial – ensure that you are feeding the positives back as well as the challenges you have faced. Keep note of the positives that happen on a daily basis, the customer or colleague feedback. Find a coach, a mentor, someone who can keep you on track, bounce ideas around keep you accountable.

I was lucky to have a great photographer showing me the tricks of the trade, luckily with him also being a friend he knew that he had to keep my interest, I was never going to be happy with an average shot – I had seen enough of his work to know what good looks like. He took me from first time camera holder to photographer extraordinaire (Ok perhaps a slight exaggeration) at rapid pace. We did play around with tripods, exposures and angles and how to perfect a strong triangle.


I never underestimate the power of learning and this was something totally different that both challenged me and reaffirmed the things I want to focus on. What 2017 goals are you going to set for your next self appraisal? Check back next week  to ensure that you complete a conscious self appraisal.
